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Empowering over 1,000,000 Users Since 2017
Our Student Loan Experts Give MEFA 5 Stars
My Rating: Excellent
Over 12,743 ratings in the past 90 days!
Not-for-profit company
powered by Credible
powered by Credible
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MEFA Highlights

  • Compare low fixed and variable interest rates from MEFA

  • Flexible 7-, 10-, and 15-year repayment terms

  • You don't have to have graduated to refinance with MEFA
  • Completely free to search rates with MEFA through Credible and will NOT impact your credit score

  • Fill out a quick simple form (2 mins)

  • Credible never sells your information or bombards you with spam calls, emails, etc.
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Our Student Loan Experts Give Citizens Bank 4 Stars
My Rating: Excellent
Over 741 ratings in the past 90 days!
No disbursement or originaiton fees
VIEW RATES with Citizens Bank
powered by Credible
VIEW RATES with Citizens Bank
powered by Credible
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Citizens Bank Highlights

  • Refinancing could save you an average of $2,628* a year.

  • Payments on your terms with the option to select 5, 7, 10, 15 or 20 year terms

  • Use Credible to find your rate with Citizens Bank and apply online in 3 easy steps
  • Completely free to search rates with Citizens Bank through Credible and will NOT impact your credit score

  • Fill out a quick simple form (2 mins)

  • Credible never sells your information or bombards you with spam calls, emails, etc.
The average monthly payment savings estimated amount is based on 21,942 Citizens Bank Education Refinance Loan customers who refinanced their loans between March 1, 2020 and March 1, 2021 and who received a lower payment.Get My Rate: Selecting “Get My Rate” only requires a "soft credit pull" which does not affect your credit score. Submitting a full application will result in an inquiry on your credit report.
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Our Student Loan Experts Give LendKey 3 Stars
My Rating: Excellent
Over 1,799 ratings in the past 90 days!
$0.00 origination fees
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VIEW RATES visit LendKey
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LendKey Highlights

  • LendKey offers a super fast application, with flexible refinance terms
  • No impact to your credit score for checking rates
  • No fees or prepayment penalties
  • Reduce interest rate by 0.25% by signing up for automatic payments
  • Direct student loan refinancing company
  • LendKey uses a diverse network of banks and credit unions to offer ultra low rates
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Our Student Loan Experts Give Earnest 3 Stars
My Rating: Excellent
Over 2,417 ratings in the past 90 days!
Best for $150,000+
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  • Loan Size: $5K - $500K
  • APR: from 2.50% fixed*
  • Flexible repayment options
  • 100% free & no hidden fees
  • Low rates for large loans
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Earnest Highlights

  • Dedicated "client happiness" team is available via call, text, or email

  • No hidden fees and very flexible payments. Get fully refinanced in same-day.

  • Earnest takes other factors into consideration beyond your credit score, like your savings, career trajectory, and more
  • 1.88% - 5.64% variable APR (includes 0.25% autopay discount)
  • Great for borrowers with less than a perfect credit score

  • Over 100,000 clients with 8.6 billion in refinanced student loans

  • No impact to your credit score for applying
*Includes 0.25% autopay discount
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Best Overall Choice:

Our Student Loan Experts Give Splash Financial 4.5 Stars
My Rating: Excellent
Over 30,930 ratings in the past 90 days!
Apply in 2 minutes
200+ students chose Splash today
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200+ students chose Splash today
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Splash Financial Highlights

  • Splash uses credit unions to offer lower rates than traditional banks

  • Live customer support to help with you refinance request

  • Completely free to refinance with Splash, no hidden fees

  • No impact to your credit score for checking rates
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Top-Rated Loan Companies
No Hidden Fees
Won’t Harm Credit Score

Best Student Loan Refinance Companies

Although it’s hard to go wrong with any of the top-rated student loan refi companies on this page, these are the top two choices for 2021:

🚨🚨🚨The student loan interest rate moratorium (put in place over 3 years ago because of the Covid-19 pandemic) has officially ended as of September 1st, 2023. This means your student loan is NOW accruing interest everyday. Additionally, student loan payments have resumed as of October 1st, 2023. So if you don’t pay your student loans, you will fall behind.🚨🚨🚨

Your student loans will cost more each month, and remember, you must pay back your student loans. There is no student loan forgiveness, and student loans are the only type of loans that are not eligible for bankruptcy.

There is absolutely ZERO downside to refinancing your student loans and replacing your interest rate with a lower rate. It’s a no brainer. You will lower your monthly payment and save potentially thousands of dollars each month.

Note: The loan companies on this page offer student loan refinancing at different rates.

Overall, Credible is best for student loan refinancing for any existing student loan size.

What Student Loans are Eligible?

Both graduate and undergraduate student loans can be refinanced. Private and federal student loans can be refinanced as well.

Why Should I Refinance My Student Loans

Simply put, refinancing student loans is one of the easiest ways you can save money without a catch. Chances are, when you got your student loan, whether it was last year or 20 years ago, rates have changed since then.

Recently, the Federal Reserve slashed interest rates to 0.00%. This is great news for those with student loans, but only if you take advantage of the lower rates with a refinance.

This is why refinancing is so important. It won’t cost you anything, and you’ll instantly lower your APR, which equates to lower monthly payments and more money in your pocket. For example, if your current student loan APR is 4% on a loan balance of $100,000, and you refinance to 2%, you’ll save $2,000 per year just by refinancing!

At the end of the day, refinancing your student loans is a no-brainer. Essentially, you’re replacing a higher interest rate with a lower interest rate, and this means you’ll save more money!

Main Benefits of Refinancing

Here are the key reasons why refinancing student loans is paramount:

  • You can save thousands of dollars over the course of your student loan
  • Potentially pay off your student loan faster
  • Removing a cosigner is easy when refinancing
  • Lower APR = more savings for you
  • No harm to your credit score to see if you qualify

According to Brookings University, there’s currently $1.5 trillion in student loan debt in America. This is a shockingly large number, but what’s often neglected is the interest rate that Americans are paying on their student loan debt.

It’s simply a fact that the majority of the $1.5 trillion in student loans is not currently financed at the best available APR. That’s why it’s so important to always stay on top of your finances and check to see if you’ll save money by refinancing your student loans.

Student Loan Refinance Myths

One of the most common misconceptions about refinancing student loans is that it will somehow negatively effect your credit score.

This is completely false. For the student loan refinance companies listed on this page, there is no harm to your credit score for checking your refinance rate or applying. In fact, your credit score can actually improve when you successfully refinance because you’ll pay less every month and ensure that you’ll always be able to make your payments on time.

Moreover, a lot of modern day student loan refi companies understand that sometimes life is complicated. As such, some companies will let you skip up to 1 payment per year without penalties or interest!

Summary: Best Student Loan Refi Companies 2021

Our Student Loan Experts Give Splash Financial 4.5 Stars
My Rating: Excellent
Over 30,930 ratings in the past 90 days!
Apply in 2 minutes
200+ students chose Splash today
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200+ students chose Splash today
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Splash Financial Highlights

  • Splash uses credit unions to offer lower rates than traditional banks

  • Live customer support to help with you refinance request

  • Completely free to refinance with Splash, no hidden fees

  • No impact to your credit score for checking rates
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